Member: Karla H

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3D art sculpture made using foods and moulded into the shape of a face.

I am a mature neurodivergent student at GSA fine art p&p who is currently engaging head on with the discriminations of ableism and ageism in the art industry & education. All demographics within the arts are affected by both disability and impending ageing and as mature students and early career artists we are often multiply disadvantaged. I want to enable emerging artists over the age of 35 the same opportunities upon graduation as our younger peers.

My artistic practice currently looks at ideas of abolishing human supremacy and respecting the lesser seen but imperative aspects of symbiotic life that we tend to ignore or overlook.

I believe that my activism in regards to disability visibility and acceptance and also in terms of ageism within the emerging arts scene is allegorically represented within the imagery of my artwork.


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