RIG Arts is a multi-award winning socially engaged charity that brings artists and the community together in a collaborative, creative way using art & film based in Inverclyde.
We design and deliver a dynamic programme of visual arts and film projects, workshops, training opportunities, exhibitions, public artworks, community spaces and events. RIG Arts use creativity to work with people to affect change in Urban Regeneration, Climate Challenge, Heritage, Mental Health and it helps young people with Autism to build better social & communication skills. We work with local community groups, other third sector organisations, local authorities and the general public.
Our objectives are to engage disadvantaged people through cultural activities – enhancing their lives, developing new skills and encouraging citizenship, community development and education. RIG Arts encourage the development of a diverse cultural and artistic base within Inverclyde, to the benefit of the whole community through education, outreach, and heritage.
The arts can be used to investigate, learn and discuss any subject to varying degrees of complexity. RIG Arts are passionate about using creativity and innovation to influence change and to make a positive difference in people’s lives and their environments.
The main aim and measure of RIG Arts success is the positive development of local people using creativity and innovation as tools that enable all people from very different circumstances and abilities to explore and express themselves building confidence, self esteem and widening their outlook to encourage them on a path of engaged learning, further education, or employment.
Website: https://www.rigarts.org/